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Amber Kanazbah Crotty

Navajo Nation Seal

Navajo Nation Council Delegate

 January 2015 – Present

District 12: Beclabito/Cove/Gad Íí'áhí/Red Valley/ToohHaltsooí/Two Grey Hills/Tsé Ałnáozt'i'í

Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty is a member of the 24th Navajo Nation Council and serves on the Budget and Finance Committee and the Naabik’íyáti’ Sexual Assault Prevention Subcommittee. Delegate Crotty has worked diligently in strengthening responses to sexual violence, exploring data sharing and cross-deputation with outside agencies, strengthening sexual assault laws, and addressing any other issues related to sexual assault crimes on the Navajo Nation. Amber is of the Kinyaa’áanii Clan and her maternal grandfather is Deeshchii'nii. She is originally from Tó Halstooí (Sheep Springs, NM), and comes from a long legacy of female leaders, strong weavers, tenacious sheepherders, and loving grandmothers.

She studied American Indian Studies – Law and History at the University of California, Los Angeles. As a leader, mother, and community member, Amber advocates for Navajo Citizens who have little to no political agency such as domestic violence victims, sexual assault survivors, vulnerable children, LGBTQ2Si, mental health issues, unsheltered relatives, and ICWA children/families.


Amber is a firm believer in “Ałchíní bá a’nít’á – Do it for the Children.” 

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